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How to Get Your Disney Fix at Home

Let's face it, we've all been there. We've all experienced the post-Disney blues. Right now, it's harder than ever with the Parks being...

Minnie Main Attraction Madness

With the recent sneak peak release of the Peter Pan's Flight collection of the Minnie Main Attraction Collection, we are almost halfway...

Q&A With The Blog Mothers

What is your first Disney memory? Brandi: Going with my parents and sister, I was 5 and Jeri was 3, at the time. We stayed at the...

Easter at Epcot

One of our favorite times of year to visit Disney World is Spring time! The weather is nice and the parks are absolutely beautiful!...

How We Met

Before we dive in to our content with all things Disney, I wanted to take a moment to share how the three of us came together. Brandi and...

Hiya Pals!

We can't wait to start sharing our love for all things Disney with you!

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"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."

Walt Disney

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