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Q&A With The Blog Mothers

Writer's picture: The Fairy BlogmothersThe Fairy Blogmothers

Updated: Apr 14, 2020

What is your first Disney memory?

Brandi: Going with my parents and sister, I was 5 and Jeri was 3, at the time. We stayed at the Contemporary Hotel and I just remember how it smelled. I love the smell of the Contemporary to this's like home to me. Getting on the monorail from the hotel was like nothing I had every experienced. Back then, if you requested to ride with the conductor, they would let you. That's the only place I wanted to ride! :-) I have loved Main Street since this trip...I still tear up when I see if after some time has passed.

Stephanie: I actually did not get to go to Disney for the first time until I was 15 years old. My mom and I were huge Disney fans, but we just never had the chance to go. I will never forget the first time I stepped on to Main Street and saw the Castle at the end. I immediately teared up and was swallowed up with the Magic. Since then, I've done at least one Disney trip a year. I was hooked!

Meghan: My first trip to Disney was the summer of 1999 and we stayed at The Wilderness Lodge. We would eat breakfast every morning before heading to the park and it just so happened one morning Eeyore and Tigger were making their rounds. My dad was being silly and in all of our pictures of my brother and I from breakfast, my dad can be seen hiding behind Eeyore's ears.

What is your favorite ride of all time?

B: Flight of Passage has to be favorite, but if you had asked me before that, I think I would have said Peter Pan.

S: This is a trick question for me. My favorite ride as far as theming goes, is Haunted Mansion. For my favorite thrill ride, I'd have to agree with Meghan. Incredicoaster is SO much fun, and FOP is a close second.

M: Incredicoaster in DCA, but Flight of Passage is a close second.

What is your favorite non-ride attraction?

B: I love Hoopty Dew's dinner show over at the Fort Wilderness Campgrounds. After that...any character meet and greet has to be top on my list.

S: Do character meet and greets count?! If not, then Churro stands.

M: Mickey's PhilharMagic

What is your most embarrassing moment at Disney?

B: Riding TOT for the first and ONLY time. My sister forced me on this ride...I was well into my 20's by this time, but I still had no interest in riding this ride and still to this day wish I would have trusted my gut instinct. I don't like to drop when I don't know what's happening, so to say this was the worst ride I have ever been an understatement. I did NOT use Disney language, which was very embarrassing once the ride was over.

S: That would have to be when my husband forced me to ride Tower of Terror and I had a FULL ON panic attack. I couldn't feel my hands and my neck was tingling... and this was all before we started dropping. I screamed bloody murder during the course of the ride and was hyperventilating when I got off. The worst part was that our car had only adults so there weren't even any little kids to share my fear with me. Everyone else on the ride loved it. That ride is a big "No thank you!" for me.

M: The last time we were at the parks together, I was trying to be all cool like one of the Disney influencers and order my Starbucks drink with a princess name instead of mine. I thought how cute would it be to put it on instagram like I had seen others do. As I was in line, I was trying to decide which princess to choose, Aurora, Cinderella, maybe Rapunzel. By the time I go up to the counter I had decided to do Belle. I ordered my drink, told the barista my name was Belle, paid and moved down to wait on my drink. I should have known something was wrong, when the girl responded with, "That's an odd name for a girl." I reached for my cup, and it didn't say Belle, it said Bill. I was Princess Bill for the rest of the trip.

What past Disney Attraction do you wish would come back?

B: So this isn't a ride, but rather a dining experience. Over in Fort Wilderness, they used to have a breakfast character show featuring Melvin the Moose with Chip and Dale. I LOVED that breakfast and so wish it never went away.

S: I would love to see Snow White's scary adventures back in Fantasyland at DW.

M: I loved a Bug's Land and Heimlich's Chew Chew Train. It was so simple, but my favorite.

Most underrated Disney movie?

B: For me, Robin Hood. I feel it just doesn't get much exposure at the parks.

S: The Rescuers is such a great movie!

M: Oliver and Company does not get the credit it deserves!

If you could have one Disney sidekick, who would it be?

B: Hands down it would be Olaf...he makes me laugh so much.

S: Pascal! We could play hide and seek and chess and bake cookies!

M: Mushu would always keep me laughing

If you could add a new land to a Disney Park, what would it be?

B: I would love a whole Frozen land. They could have a water ride, and meet and greets with all the characters...oh my imagination runs wild with the thought of this.

S: I would love to see a Tangled land! The bathrooms at Disney World are so great, just think about how amazing a whole land would be!

M: Zootopia added to Animal Kingdom! Jealous of Shanghai, for sure.

If you could only listen to one Disney soundtrack for the rest of time, what would it be?

B: I love the song "Let it Go", but as a whole soundtrack, Frozen 2 for me.

S: Frozen. You can never sing "Let it Go" too many times.

M: Moana. All. The. Way.

What is your go-to Disney wall for pictures?

B: For sure the Purple Wall.

S: Purple or Bubblegum wall

M: Purple Wall

What is your unpopular Disney opinion?

B: My mom is going to be so sad when I say this, but It's a Small World...I just don't like it. I know the beauty of the storyline and it's origin from the World Fair...and for that I respect that ride so much and would probably be really sad if they took it out, but I just don't ride it anymore unless my mom is there with's her favorite.

S: Na'vi River Journey is overrated. I don't know if it's because I waited two hours the first time I rode it only to find out it was a glow in the dark "It's a Small World," but I'm not here for it. The shaman lady totally freaks me out and the ride is too short. Don't get me wrong, parts of it look cool, but it's definitely a ride I'd rather pass on.

M: I don't actually love the Happily Ever After fireworks show... I was a big fan of Wishes. Happily Ever After just didn't give me the same feelings that Wishes or even World of Color at Disneyland gave me when seeing it for the first time.

Got a Disney question you'd like us to answer? Leave it in the comments below!



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